Welcome, and it's election day!

Early voting last election this past May!

Just another, cold, rainy November day in Cincinnati. Today also happens to be the general election of 2019. Big races around the country happening today. Today was like most mornings I am up early and get a quick workout in before my full day of work. This particular morning, I did not want to get out in the rain, but I did and VOTED! I need to be at work at 7:30 in my chair ready to go for the day. This voice in my head said you pass your location going to work, go VOTE. I pulled up to the polls and by 6:30 am as one of the first ones there. I told myself I will run in and vote! On the road again by 6:45 and pray I do not hit traffic in Cincinnati.  As I drove this morning I thought to myself if the soldiers fight for this freedom and the right to vote. I take a chance to choose who I want to run my country, work where I want, eat whatever, else I wanted. Thank you to the brave ones I have this opportunity, so why not I can deal with a little rain, to make a difference for the big difference they do for me. It is HUGE!
Make sure you go out and vote today, and tell a vet thank you, or thank a man or woman in uniform. I can't begin to share with you the good feeling I walked around today knowing I voted this morning. I did my part in what so many wish they could do in their own country, but don't have this freedom. I am not here to tell you who or what to vote, for just go do it you make a difference! Have a great rest of your Tuesday, I am off to finish my lunch and go back to work. Keep smiling and happy Election Day, and this is Smilo signing off for now! :)


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