Faith, Family, and Repeat

71-N somewhere in rural Ohio

In the time like we are facing now, fear and uncertainty it more important to put faith over fear... I know it is a lot of craziness going on... In the coming days ahead they are saying there will be a statewide shut down with leaving "essential business" open for business, while take out and curbside will still be available. Many folks will be working from home for the first time ever, many kids will begin to learn from home outside the classroom, but all of us will be home. When I hear all this I quietly sit back reflecting on the 16.5 years I spent with my family in our home taking care of my medical fragile sister. This is what our life was like, this what we did keeping things so sterile you could virtual "eat off" the ground, all jokes aside I know what it is like to make sure things are kept clean and sterile for a compromised health individual. I also know what it's like to be a virtual learner from getting a college diploma this way to even high school. I also know what it is to put your family first in life, I know what it is to rely heavily on faith in the good and bad. I had seen living with these very principles in life things work out well... So in this time of so-called "self-quarantine," I am going to continue on forging forward with loving my family, doing what I do best putting my faith and family first and repeat. I wish you all well during this time of freedom, rebirth, reflection quarantine, whatever you want to call it. It is what you make it but I wish all well health, stay healthy, listen to those in medical positions, and wash your hands. I promise you too soon enough you can sit back laugh and wish you had this much free time on your hands! --God bless, Smilo


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